Ask the questions that have no answers Invest in the millennium.
Plant sequoias.
Say that your main crop is the forest that you did not plant,
that you will not live to harvest.
Wendell Berry
Why hasn't Harris campaigned on criminal investigation of corporate price gouging as the root of inflation?
Surely there are Republicans that Harris Walz can reach out to and build a bipartisan investigation.
I'm with Matt, and subscribe to his newsletter on Substack. We're beginning to create a government who wants to support the middle class with Joe Biden's help and public investments in manufacturing, taxing the rich.
But we should be putting together a mission to end poverty and support our kids so they believe they have a future. And not just our kids but grandkids.
Seven generations is a wise view of our inheritance, our obligation to future generations of people we will never know.
When they say Harris is from California, say so is the mighty Sequoia, and we are going to plant seeds for small greener more just businesses and non profits, that will take root and grow a thousand years to protect us and our planet.
Mariana Mazzucato wants liberals to talk less about the redistribution of wealth and more about its creation. Politicians around the world are listening. Bring her on board to help create a moon launch for America's middle class economy.
Tim Colman
Good Nature Publishing
Seattle Cascadia