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  • Writer's pictureTimothy S. Colman

Coaching notes: making dreams of a restoration society come to life

Three years ago I hired Tim Colman as my life coach. I had retired a couple years before, and felt I needed an outside, neutral perspective to bounce ideas off, and to challenge me to confront my tendency toward indecision and inaction. My search for life coaches had not turned up people who worked with clients in person, and no males.

I had met Tim briefly at a coffee shop and thought he did some sort of counseling, so I reached out to him to see if he could help. It turned out coaching was exactly what he did, and after a walk around Green Lake, I realized that we could comfortably work together to define my goals, and put together actionable plans to achieve them.

Over for nearly 2 years we met every couple of weeks or so, orbiting Green Lake, and working through such issues as getting my will in order, planning a two month stay in Mexico, and ultimately starting up a small non-profit called Grow It Forward Restoration based on combining my interests in gardening, trees, habitat restoration, and connecting with others. Having much experience in fund raising for non-profits, Tim was instrumental in giving me confidence that my ideas were achievable.

Over those last 3 years, I put together an organization that has attracted over 100 volunteers, engaging them in supplying close to 10,000 native tree seedlings so far to local habitat restoration organizations.

It has proven far more successful than I had imagined and would not have happened without Tim’s experienced, poetic and sincere engagement. I strongly believe he can be just the catalyst for others as he was for me.

James P. Wright

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