Beautiful design by Suzanne Duranceau to illustrate the many benefits of growing hedgerows to create living fences on farms and help our salmon family.
Read this fine story on hedgerows by favorite writer Valerie Easton
NW Hedgerows sale for conservation education! See special prices for teaching riparian buffers below the picture.

The large poster 36" x 24" is
$2.99 ea per 1000
King CD is going to order a bunch, but we need other conservation districts to order 100+ of the large poster @ $2.99 ea (91% discount folks for conservation education, volunteer appreciations, you can even sell them -- I just want the art to work teaching next generation about riparian buffers, growing sponges on farmland, and changing the world.
Can you join King Conservation District and order with them?
Notebooks are still $2.00 ea. I have 2 customers waiting, need to find another couple customers to make it work. If that makes any sense, let me know. I basically give the art away and lower the cost for 1000 by getting 5 orders of 1000.
My small versions of the Good Nature posters for our bioregion retail for $12 ea on Amazon
You get $2.50 ea per 100 for the 18" x 12"
and .99 cents ea per 1000.
Get in touch @ 206 271 3490 or email me off @ Good Nature